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Annoying Lies

If you’ve read any of my previous posts, then you know the stories I usually share here about my kids are funny, hence the title “Giggles to Glory.” But this time, this story, revolves around something my oldest son recently said. And it wasn’t funny at all.

A couple months ago, Zane walked into my bedroom around midnight. Trying to get my attention, he spoke softly, “Mom…”

Now, the most common reason any of my kids come to wake me up in the middle of the night is merely to tell me that they can’t sleep. To which I typically reply, “Well, you’re not going to fall asleep by standing next to my bed and waking me up!” As a good, loving mom does, though, I try to always balance out my snarky comments with something empathetic, helpful, and semi-sweet: “I’m sorry you can’t sleep. But go back to bed and try again. Read. Pray. Listen to music quietly. Whatever you need to do. I love you. Goodnight.”

This night, however, was different.

I refrained from saying my usual, and instead, I half-consciously and reluctantly replied, “What’s up, Zane?”

I was not expecting his answer when he said, “Lately, Mom…when I go to bed…I just lie there. Awake. Thinking about how no one cares about me.”

Zane paused, I sat up, and my heart sank.

“Mom, I know it’s a lie. But ugh. It’s just annoying,” Zane continued. In the dark I could barely see his face, but I could tell by his voice, he was fighting back tears.

Listen, if you take anything away from reading this blog, please, take this: The enemy wastes no time telling our children lies. Pray for them. Fervently.

Now let me tell you about Zane: As much as this kid drives me crazy, he is funny and sweet. Nothing short of amazing. He is so loved and extremely well-liked by everyone I know – kids (big and small), parents, church leaders, teachers. Everyone. And at only 12-years-old, Zane is capable of building friendships with just about anyone. He is intelligent and kind. He is athletic and filled with the potential to expand on several God-given talents and skills. His dad and I tell him that we love him, that we are proud of him, every single day. Both sets of his grandparents, lots of aunts and uncles, and numerous cousins have come to his birthday parties, various sports games, and other special events since the day he was born. There are quite literally ZERO reasons for Zane to ever think that no one cares about him. This lie is absurd. And when he said it, I felt like I’d been struck by a truck. It hit me hard and in more ways than one.

For starters, I was livid with Satan. How dare he tell my kid outlandish lies?! Don’t get me wrong, I’m fully aware that he will. I know all my boys will inevitably hear the enemy feed them lies throughout their lives, and I cannot prevent that. Regardless, I couldn’t help but feel that mama bear instinct rise up inside of me. You know, the one you feel any time you witness or learn of an attack on your baby, and yet, you know you’re unable to completely protect them from every shade of evil one-hundred percent of the time. You feel defensive and disheartened all at once. Secondly, I immediately knew it was ludicrous for Zane to believe any of it, and I desperately wanted to reiterate the truth I know he’s been taught and believes. I reminded him, therefore, of Psalm 139:13-14 and Zephaniah 3:17, as well as Isaiah 43:1 and 1 Peter 5:7. I spoke truth into that moment, praying the Word of God out loud over my son. We talked about who God says he is and how much he is, indeed, loved and cared for. Thirdly, I was extremely impressed with Zane’s maturity and wisdom. He knew it was a lie. He knew the thoughts running through his mind as he tossed and turned in bed every night were not from his Heavenly Father. And he was bold enough and brave enough to be vulnerable with me. That is precisely what we should do. Calling out the enemy for the lies he speaks and exposing them with someone else who believes in Jesus, someone who can remind us of what Scripture says and pray with us and for us, is exactly what we need. Time and time again, I have seen the Holy Spirit live and work through Zane, and it never gets old to watch. It is always encouraging. This time, it was exceptionally so. Because, last of all, I understood just how he felt.

Upset and frustrated, Zane repeated, “It’s like, I know they’re lies. But, Mom, it’s just so annoying!”

I didn’t fight my tears. I let them stream down my face as they pleased. “I know, Zane,” I said. “I know.”

This is the very thing I wrote an entire book about. Sure, the personal lies I address and deal with in my writing are not exactly the same as those Zane has encountered in his life thus far; however, believing God’s truth over Satan’s lies, forsaking the enemy’s deception and hanging onto the truths and promises in the Bible, is the entire premise of my book. And yet, even after writing it, even despite knowing, embracing, and believing every precious word God has spoken, I still hear them. The devil continues to whisper lies in my ears and weaves them throughout the thoughts running through my head, and you know what? Some of them still feel true. And it is SO frustrating!

The good news, though, is that every time our enemy starts spewing lies, we are given an opportunity to seek Jesus, the Truth (John 14:6). Taking our thoughts and feelings, and the lies sometimes within them, to Jesus and allowing the Word of God to triumph over what is false ultimately brings us closer to Jesus and deepens our relationship with Him.

I fully agree with Zane; the lies are still annoying. But they also urge us to keep turning to Jesus for hope, peace, grace, strength, and comfort. Don’t let the lies discourage your soul. Continually forsake them and be lifted up by rejoicing over God’s Word. Lean into the One who loves you so much that He bore your sins on a Roman cross and gave up His life so that you could live eternally with Him. Meditate on the Scriptures that prove just how absurd those annoying lies truly are. Memorize verses. Write them on your heart.

And I hope you also grab a copy of my book. This moment with Zane reminded me of why I wrote it. It’s a real, tangible item that will soon be available on Amazon. Whoa! That hits me hard, too. But I’ll save diving into all of that for next time…