Tulips - An Update on My Book

I know the picture isn’t very exciting. But I’m excited. I glanced over at my flower bed a few days ago as I pulled out of the driveway, and popping up out of the cold, hard dirt were my tulips! I know this happens every year, but it had just snowed that morning. And with February still on my calendar, I wasn’t expecting to see them yet. This means spring is coming, y’all! This means warm sun, green grass, pretty flowers, and longer days are on their way. Soon we’ll be watching baseball, lighting fireworks, having BBQs, and splashing around at water parks. Hallelujah!

As some of you may know, I do not have a green thumb. But the beauty of tulips is that they don’t need me to. They are tough and resilient. When everything seems dead and frozen in the ground during the long winter months, progress is actually being made below the surface where those tulip bulbs are planted. Their progress and growth aren’t visible for some time. But even when nothing seems to be happening, God is indeed working. Sometimes He creates life and prepares its beauty long before we ever get to see it.

The tulips made me think of my book, and if anyone’s been wondering if it still exists (because I haven’t mentioned it in a while), it does. I haven’t thrown it away and called it quits, despite the millions of moments I’ve wanted to. It’s been in the frozen ground, so to speak, but it is making progress. It’s working its way up to the surface so we can all see it. It’s getting there, I promise.

Unlike my tulips, though, which will predictably start blooming in April, I don’t know the exact month it will be available to read. I do know the day is coming, and while it may not be before this year’s tulips come and go, it will hopefully be in your hands before all of summer’s flowers fade and the next set of winter months blow in.

God’s timing is perfect. He is faithful in all His creation. And this book – just like my tulips – is most certainly His.


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