Tacos are My Love Language

Okay, so here’s the thing:  This is not my comfort zone. 

Give me a newborn, and I’ll revel in taking care of that baby for as long as you’ll let me.  Give me some fresh ingredients, and I’ll make you some delicious tacos.  Give me an empty room to decorate, and I’ll happily design it.  Give me a call, and I’ll gladly meet you for coffee and talk for hours.

Write a blog, use social media, build a platform, be outgoing…not exactly my forte.  BUT Jesus fills in the gaps, and He certainly has not called us to a comfortable life.  His surely wasn’t. 

For those few who remember, I did this blogging thing once.  And it was okay.  I knew, though, it wasn’t exactly what God had laid on my heart to do, and unless I was going to do that very thing, I was falling short of obedience. 

Needless to say, I took my blog site down, and a few years later, I decided I was done being disobedient.  I was going to write the book God had explicitly told me to write for over ten years – no matter how it turned out, no matter where that path took me, no matter what the cost.  And if I learned anything this past year it’s this: 

If God puts something on your heart, just do it.  Stop making excuses.  Stop thinking it’s crazy.  Stop being afraid.  Stop listening to lies and just listen to Him.  Reflecting back on almost a year-and-a-half now, life’s been sweet, and 2022 was a good year, not because it was easy or tearless, but because I obeyed.  I finished writing my book.  It’s done. 

For some, that might seem like something to celebrate.  And while I appreciate and understand the sentiment, I feel more stressed than I did when I was writing the darn thing.  What now?  God gave me a task, and I did it.  But now I feel this responsibility to do something with it…how do I get it published?  How do I get it into your hands?  Because as cathartic as it was to write, I believe God wants to use it to speak into your hearts and lives, and it’s doing no good sitting in my house.

Which brings me here.  I’ve been researching, reading, and learning about what it takes to get a book published, and apparently, I should’ve kept my blog.  I should’ve been building a platform – an audience of readers that would have a desire to read a book I’ve written.  Well, raise your glass – here’s to doing things backwards.  Here’s to just obeying God and letting Him do what He wills.

With that said, I gave up on things that aren’t life-giving a couple years ago.  I don’t have time for things that unnecessarily weigh me down and stress me out.  Life hands me enough of that already just by raising five boys.  So, my prayer is that if you take five minutes out of your day to read anything I’ve written here, it wouldn’t be a waste of your time.  It better be life-giving.  It better make you laugh or cry or pause to reflect on Jesus – who He is, what He’s doing in your life, or perhaps how He’s trying to speak to you through some crazy story of my life and/or ounce of wisdom He’s given me along the way! 

Y’all, I just want to obey and let God use me, whether that be when I’m with my kids or in my writing or maybe someday speaking in front of a crowd.  I’d rather be sharing tacos (and margaritas) with you, but here I am instead, asking you, what has God put on your heart that you still haven’t done?  New Year resolutions are fine.  Realistic goals are even better.  But if you do anything worthwhile, anything meaningful this year, just obey Him – His still, small, yet undeniable voice. 

In Ecclesiastes, we find Solomon, the wealthiest, most successful and accomplished individual of his day, who lacked nothing this world had to offer.  Yet, as he searched for meaning in pleasure, money, drinking, education, prosperity, vast achievements and wisdom, he would ultimately conclude that everything is meaningless without Jesus.  “Now all has been heard; here is the conclusion of the matter: Fear God and keep his commandments, for this is the duty of all mankind.”  Ecclesiastes 12:13  


From the Mouth of Babes