From the Mouth of Babes

This past September, I asked my son, Logan, if he’d like his own room for his 7th birthday.  Logan and his five-year-old brother, Finn, were the only ones still sharing a room, and I had decided that eventually, we would turn the designated playroom into Logan’s bedroom.  Naturally, he was very excited about this prospect.  But being the disappointing mom that I inevitably sometimes am, I didn’t make it happen in time for his birthday, and so, Logan put it on his Christmas list.

On Christmas Day, Logan unwrapped a couple presents specifically made for his own room, and he was ecstatic!

I turned to Finn and exclaimed, “Finn, do you know what this means?!?  If Logan gets his own room, then you do, too!  Everyone will have their own room now!” 

Less than enthused, Finn looked at me puzzled and asked, “But when are you and daddy gonna get your own rooms?” 

Needless to say, this was not exactly the response I expected from him.  It was better. 

 Over the years, God has never failed to reveal Himself to me through situations and conversations I share with my kids.  Sometimes in subtle ways, and sometimes like a ton of bricks.  This one’s been on the slow-burner for a few weeks…

I just kept coming back to this funny story that makes me laugh out loud, because Finn is just so darn precious, when I gradually started to see it in a new light…

How many times has God told me good news, and my response is puzzled and confused.  “Huh, God?  What about this, though?  And what about that?  How exactly are you going to make this happen?”

How many times do I start asking questions in response to God’s promises rather than rejoicing over that which is abundantly sweet and good all on its own?

I told my son what I thought would incite excitement and anticipation, maybe even a little gratitude, but instead, he just had questions.  He didn’t see the blessing because he was distracted by what he didn’t understand.

Oh, how God must chuckle at His children and rest in His own sovereignty!  He’s okay with our questions; they don’t rattle him.  He knows we can’t see the whole picture and that we don’t need to, because He does.  God has already worked out all the details.  He began the good work, and He is the one responsible for carrying it out (Philippians 1:6).  He’s got a plan, and it’s for my good – and for yours (Jeremiah 29:10-14).  He who has promised is faithful (Hebrews 10:23).

I hope God laughs at my responses and thinks I’m as cute and funny as Finn.  But probably not.  Finn’s got us all beat.


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